Dr Natalie Zacek

Lecturer in History and American Studies

On Leave Spring Term 2004

Undergraduate Teaching

I regularly teach the following courses at the University of Manchester:
AM1211: U.S. History to 1900 [syllabus] [essays]
AM2011: U.S. History, 1900-1945 [syllabus] [essays]
AM3011: American Masculinities [syllabus] [essays]
HI 2132: Cultures of Empire (with Dr Anindita Ghosh) [syllabus]
HI3952: Cities of Dreadful Delight (with Dr Patience Schell) [syllabus]

Please click here to read my recent article on teaching strategies, published in May 2003 in The Times Higher Education Supplement.

Doctoral Supervision

I currently supervise the following D.Phil. students:
Mohammed Nadeem Noor: (entered 2001; funded by the Overseas Research Scholarship, writing on the role of eunuchs in Mughal South Asia, ca. 1500-1800.
Laura Sandy: (entered 2002; funded by the Economic and Social Research Council), writing on the social and economic functions of overseers on antebellum Southern plantations.

I welcome inquiries from potential research students for the M.A. and D.Phil. degrees, particularly in the areas of colonial British American and Atlantic history, slavery and race, gender (particularly masculinity), and material culture.

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